Friday, May 25, 2007

Cats, collapses and Friday Sundaes

Mmm, a super comfy apartment
Scarborough's fabulous Harbour Bar

I cheated chemotherapy again last Wednesday - hoorah! – because I have to have a CT scan next week to see how the monster is doing, whether it’s progressing or shrinking. Then the following week I get the results from dear Dr Pedley. I’m guessing, but I think the options could be: 1) the chemo hasn’t worked so we’ll try again with different drugs; 2) the chemo hasn’t worked, we’re very sorry but we have nothing else to offer. In other words, enjoy being chemo-free but best get your affairs in order. Of course, this could be unduly pessimistic on my part. Time will tell.

So I’m here in Scarborough, in my niece’s lovely spacious flat on the Esplanade, sinking in sumptuous sofas, surrounded by sea views. Oh, and I brought the cats with me which could have been disastrous, but has in fact remained incident-free. They love the sheer bigness of the place, perfect for paw-thundering chasey-chasey games, and the comfy windowsills where they sprawl like queens of Sheba, following the sun.

The weather is gorgeous, bright sunshine and just enough of a nano-breeze to tempt me into the outside world where I totter with the aid of my silver bling stick like a frail octogenarian, pausing occasionally to rest on the benches with sprightly pensioners. Yesterday I overdid the walking and my legs turned to marshmallow. I hobbled back to the flat and collapsed in the hall like a badly assembled deckchair. I think I’ll restrict my al fresco moments to the garden in future.

Today my nephew Simon and his girlfriend Nikki turned up to whisk me off for lunch followed by my absolute favourite treat, chocolate Horlicks at the famous Harbour Bar, which is a definite must-see if you’re in Scarborough. Could life be any sweeter?


Susan Tranter said...

Hi Chrissie - remember me? I've only just found about about your news, and this blog. 'Merde' is right, that's for sure. Hang on in there, and keep blogging - not just for your friends but for you too. Lots of love, and a big hug.

Chrissie said...

Susan - lovely to hear from you, despite the circumstances. Not sure where you are now or what you're up to - thank goodness for t'internet! Hope you're happy and thriving, you lovely hugger.

Much love
Chrissie xx